Thursday 22 November 2012

Thirteenth Show (or the Movie Show Is Made In Britain)

Hey Folks,
Lucky show thirteen goes out live tonight 22nd Nov at 20:00 GMT.

As you can no doubt deduce by the post title this evenings show will have tunes pulled from British movies (yay for patriotism. Or something).  So expect our usual excellent taste and diversity (and most likely some truly awful aural experiences as well, anyone remember Shampoo?).

Same show format as always, info on upcoming and current releases, news, idiot banter and Victorian Monkeys look at a Cult Classic. This time he's gone for one of the quintessential movies about British-ness.

Tune in through the BSR listen live link to the left and we hope you enjoy the show.

- Research Monkey  (currently feeling as poorly as a lab monkey so won't be doing much talking tonight)

Thursday 8 November 2012

Trailers, Trailers, Trailers

Hey Folks,
It's trailer time again!

First off a bit of Arnie in The Last Stand. Kim Jee-woon's English language debut, he's one hell of a director so I'm optimistic about this one.

Next up is Jeymes Samuels' western They Die By Dawn, a 30min indie short. It looks mighty impressive.

Thirdly we have the teaser for Alan Moore's Jimmy's End. Looks interesting and is the first in a proposed series of shorts from the grouchy God.

Up for a bit of nastiness then check out Elijah Wood in Franck Khalfoun's remake of Maniac. Absolutely NSFW.

Want even more brutality, this is British special effects genius Paul Hyett's directorial debut, The Seasoning House.

And finally the incomparable Wong Kar Wai's The Grandmasters. Film of the year? Just might well be.

Enjoy and let us know which ones you're looking forward to.

Cheers to the fine folks over at for the original uploads.

- Research Monkey

Updates, Apologies and Greg Christie's Fear and Loathing

Hey Folks,
First off you may have noticed the disturbing lack of updates on the blog lately, this is due mainly to my internet access only working sporadically over the last few weeks. My first thoughts were that it was my router playing up and after numerous back and fourths between myself and the so called customer service department of my ISP, I finally convinced them to send a replacement. Lo and behold after setting it up yesterday, no more problems.
So apologies on the lack of content lately and I'll be doing my utmost in the coming weeks to make up for it.

So onto the second item; Last show we mentioned that Greg Christie from had contacted us to let us know he had a new series of Fear and Loathing articles about to start over at Twitch, and I was supposed to have had a link up for you folks after the show, obviously due to the previously mentioned connectivity issues this never happened, so without further ado here's the link to the first part:

To my mind Greg's the best film related journalist/writer/satirist around at the moment and if you've read his work before then you'll know why. If you're new to his stuff then I'll say only that you're in for a treat and a maybe a bit of "what the hell did I just read?".
The man really should be writing modern noir novels (hell for all I know he already is) as his work kinda puts me in mind of Charlie Huston and believe me that's high praise.
Anyways check out the link and let us know what you think. Enjoy.

- Research Monkey

Twelfth Show (or The Movie Show Learns To Read)

Hey Folks,
Twelfth show broadcasts live tonight 8th Nov at 20:00 GMT.

For tonight's musical theme we were looking at going all vampy to tie-in with the new Twilight (can't believe I just wrote Twilight, quick, must find my med's) but seeing as we did a horror themed show last time for Halloween, we decided instead to go for novel adaptions (yes we know categorizing Twilight as a real novel is pushing it a bit).

We've chosen a fairly wide range of adaptions, a few of which you might be surprised to learn were actually books at all.

As always we'll keep you up to date with the latest local releases etc. and ol' Victorian Monkey will be back with another Cult Classic and yep he's gone for a Vamp Movie adaption, one which the current fang loving audience might not be aware of. It's a good one.

Tune in through the BSR Listen Live link to the left and we hope you enjoy.

- Research Monkey  (off for a bit of a lie down after having to write the T word so many times)